
Cardiology at LycaHealth Orpington encompasses a wide range of services, spanning from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation. Whether you are seeking a routine check-up, need assistance managing a chronic heart condition, or require a specialised procedure, our experienced cardiologists are here to address your needs.

Cardiac Testing in Orpington

  • All clinics
  • Canary Wharf
  • Orpington

Cardiology in Orpington

You can book a consultation with an expert cardiologists at LycaHealth Orpington and some tests can be offered at Orpington. For any specialised tests and intervention, you will be required to attend the main cardiac centre at KIMS Hospital, Maidstone.

Once a diagnosis is made, our expert cardiologists will work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan. Whether it involves medication management, lifestyle modifications, or interventional procedures, our goal is to provide the most effective and individualised care for each patient.

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