Created by Professor Rahul Kangaonkar, ENT Surgeon
We don’t have all the answers yet when it comes to tinnitus. Someone who is healthy and has normal hearing, is able to effectively filter out background static noise generated by the inner ear and hearing nerve.
If you suffer from hearing loss or there has been a recent change to your hearing, some of that background static would become noticeable at a conscious level.
The symptoms of tinnitus can vary from person to person, but is most commonly described as a:
Pulsatile tinnitus can be described as a:
The vast majority of people who develop tinnitus find it is more noticeable late at night when it is very quiet. It can also become more noticeable when stressed or anxious.
Tinnitus can be diagnosed by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist by conducting a thorough health history and hearing assessments such as an audiogram and/or tympanometry. These assessments will give a detailed understanding of the quality of hearing and ear health.
There are occasions where tinnitus is caused by an underlying health condition of a more sinister nature. If this is suspected, an MRI scan may be appropriate to exclude this concern, such as a benign swelling that presses on the hearing nerve, causing hearing loss.
There are a range of methods that can help you manage your tinnitus symptoms, including:
If you are struggling to manage your tinnitus symptoms and want to book an appointment with Professor Rahul Kanegaonkar, please call our team on 01689 490 111.
Please note that we are unable to see patients under the age of 18, except for MRI scans, which have a minimum age of 8.
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