Effects of the Pandemic on Mental Health & How to Get Support


It’s normal to feel stressed or anxious as we deal with the knock-on effects of the pandemic. Although many of us have not been affected directly by the virus, it doesn’t mean we haven’t felt the implications of the invisible enemy.

As we return to a normal work and social life, you may be one of the individuals who are finding it harder to bounce back. We may have all faced the same storm, but we’re not all in the same boat. Many people have experienced sudden and drastic change, whether this be with their work-life, social life or family circumstances, which has led to a huge increase in the number of people suffering from mental health issues. Recent findings show that people with pre-existing mental health disorders are most at risk of suffering from severe emotional issues, but also shows an increased risk of adverse mental health effects in previously healthy people.

Increase of mental health issues

A UK study monitored mental health symptoms throughout the duration of lockdown, and found that levels of anxiety and depression rose significantly, and fell slightly in June as lockdown measures began to lift. But these levels still remain the highest among the younger generation, people living with children, lower-income households and people with pre-diagnosed mental illness.

Risk factors

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down, impacting people in different ways across the globe. One thing we do know for certain, it increased the known risk factors and triggers for the development of mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Together with the uncertainty and anxiety people are experiencing, the common risk factors we have seen a rise in include:

  • Changes in employment status
  • Loss of loved ones
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Social isolation
  • Decreased social support
  • Home insecurity and quality
  • Loss of income
  • Financial difficulty
  • Loneliness
  • Limited access to basic services
  • Domestic violence
  • Inactivity / Lack of exercise
  • Increased attachment to food, alcohol or online gambling
  • Loss of coping mechanisms

How to deal with stressful triggers

If you or someone close to you has experienced a significant life change such as one of the above, and you feel like you are unable to cope with the emotional impact, then you will benefit from seeking mental health support services. If you are struggling to cope, we have some tips for dealing with these triggers.

  • Recognise that your reaction to the event is normal

It is completely normal to feel worried, anxious or upset about the situation you are experiencing, and you are not the only one. Some people may get additionally stressed with themselves for feeling a certain way, but do your best to accept your emotions as they arise and try not to internally fight with yourself.

  • Focus on yourself

Focusing on things you enjoy, taking some time out for yourself, or acquiring a new hobby are all ways you can take care of your mental health. With so much going on in the world and in your life, it’s good to divert your mind’s attention to other things for a period of time. Don’t just sit on the issue you are facing, divert your attention to other things and maybe you will discover a new mindset to dealing with your problems.

  • Don’t go through it alone

Many people suffering from mental health issues caused by a life stressors tend to try and ‘solve’ their problem on their own. They might not want to seem like a burdon, or look weak or crazy, so a lot of people keep things to themselves. This can only make situations worse for you, as a build up of pressure and emotion can cause you to break. We urge you to seek support from helplines, open up to your friends and family, and consult one of our specialist doctors.

How we can help

Our mental health experts are highly trained and provide a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment at LycaHealth. We can support you during this time, and explore the reasons why you are feeling the way you do. We will work with you to form an ongoing plan of action in order to put you on the right path back to a well state-of-mind following the pandemic.

Our private psychiatrists deliver treatments that are specifically tailored to your requirements, which have been scientifically proven to be effective. Our level of trust, safety and care will play a big part in your healing; we will assist you with making empowered decisions, right from the start.

Get in touch with our friendly team today to book a private mental health appointment.

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