This is a comprehensive price list for our services. If you require a price for any service not shown here or if you need further information, please call our reception team on 0207 132 1440 or email
Prices correct as of March 2023
MRI | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
MRI 1 Part | £545 | £425 |
MRI 2 Parts | £842 | £580 |
MRI 3 Parts | £1,029 | £770 |
MRI 4 Parts | £1,271 | £990 |
MRI 5 Parts | £1,513 | £1,210 |
MRI 6 Parts | £1,755 | £1,430 |
MRI Contrast | £121 | £110 |
MRI Prostate | £1,084 | £875 |
MRI Arthogram | £1,029 | £825 |
MR Angiography (1 part) | £968 | £770 |
MRI Liver | £908 | £715 |
MRI Renal | £908 | £715 |
MRI Gynae / Pelvic | £1,084 | £875 |
MRI Enteroclysis (Small Bowel) | £1,089 | £825 |
MRI – Full Body | £2,178 | £1,870 |
CT | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
CT 1 Part | £666 | £495 |
CT 2 Parts | £908 | £715 |
CT 3 Parts | £1,150 | £935 |
CT 4 Parts | £1,392 | £1,155 |
CT Contrast | £121 | £110 |
CT Angiogram | £1,089 | £880 |
CTCA (including calcium scoring) | £1,392 | £1,155 |
CT Arthrogram | £968 | £770 |
CT Colonography | £1,067 | £860 |
CT Cervical Epidural | £1,694 | £1,210 |
CT Facet Injection into 2 Joints | £2,178 | £1,870 |
CT Calcium Scoring | £666 | £495 |
CT Urogram | £908 | £715 |
Ultrasound | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
Ultrasound Abdomen | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound Pelvis | £374 | £259 |
Ultrasound Abdomen Including Pelvis | £545 | £470 |
Ultrasound Aorta | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound MSK 1 PART | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound MSK 2 PARTS | £545 | £385 |
Ultrasound Testes | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound Thyroid | £374 | £302 |
Ultrasound Neck | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound Transvaginal | £380 | £259 |
Ultrasound Soft Tissue / Tendon | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound Breast (Bilateral) | £473 | £430 |
Ultrasound Chest | £374 | £305 |
Ultrasound Doppler Abdomen | £545 | £415 |
Ultrasound Doppler Penile | £545 | £415 |
Ultrasound Doppler Aorta (Including Duplex) | £545 | £415 |
Ultrasound Vascular & dopplcr | £545 | £415 |
Ultrasound 2 Parts Vascular & Doppler | £666 | £495 |
Ultrasound Flow Rate | £61 | £55 |
Ultrasound DVT One LEG | £424 | £330 |
Ultrasound DVT Two LEG | £605 | £495 |
Ultrasound Guided Biopsy | £1,700 | £715 |
Ultrasound Guided FNA | £726 | £605 |
Ultrasound Guided Injection | £787 | £450 |
Blood Injection (PRP) | £512 | – |
Ultrasound Transrectal | £495 | £410 |
Early Pregnancy Scan | £182 | – |
X-Ray | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
X-Ray Chest | £154 | £90 |
XR Lumbar Spine | £154 | £120 |
XR Pelvis | £154 | £120 |
XR SACRUM SPINE | £154 | £120 |
XRAY THORACIC SPINE | £154 | £120 |
XR HIP | £154 | £120 |
XR ABDOMEN | £154 | £120 |
XR SKULL – 2 OR MORE VIEWS | £154 | £120 |
XR SHOULDER | £154 | £120 |
XR HUMERUS | £154 | £120 |
XR ELBOW | £154 | £120 |
XR FOREARM | £154 | £120 |
XRAY WRIST 2 VIEWS | £154 | £120 |
XRAY HAND 2 VIEWS | £154 | £120 |
XRAY FINGERS 2 VIEWS | £154 | £120 |
XR KNEE | £154 | £120 |
XR TIBIA AND FIBULA | £154 | £120 |
XRAY ANKLE 2 VIEWS OR MORE | £154 | £120 |
XRAY Foot | £154 | £120 |
XRAY TOE 2 VIEWS | £154 | £120 |
XR COCCYX SPINE | £154 | £120 |
XR CLAVICLE | £154 | £120 |
XR FEMUR | £154 | £120 |
XR FACIAL BONES | £154 | £120 |
Cardiology | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
ECG | £187 | £139 |
Echocardiogram – Cardiologist | £545 | £547 |
Echocardiogram – Physiologist | – | £364 |
24 Hr ECG/Holter Monitor Reported | £391 | £316 |
48 Hr ECG/Holter Monitor Reported | – | £559 |
72 hr ECG/Holter Monitor | £567 | £549 |
24 HR B/P + REPORT | £391 | £268 |
Exercise Stress ECG | £578 | £525 |
Stress Echocardiogram + Report | £1,150 | £728 |
Ultrasound Echocardiogram – Physiologist | £545 | £364 |
CTCA | – | £1,155 |
7 Day ECG or 5 day ECG | – | £716 |
Sleep Study | – | £350 |
Physiotherapy | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
Initial Musculoskeletal Assessment | £72 | £70 |
Follow up – Musculoskeletal | £61 | £52 |
Initial Hand Therapy | – | £87 |
Follow up Hand Therapy | – | £52 |
Physio 4 Pack | £198 | – |
Physio 6 Pack | £275 | – |
Shockwave (1 session) | £110 | £100 |
Shockwave (3 sessions) | £303 | £275 |
Audiology | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
Hearing Consultation | £150 | £150 |
Puretone Audiogram | £100 | £100 |
Loudness Discomfort Levels | £90 | £90 |
Tympanometry | £65 | £65 |
Acoustic Reflexes | £150 | £150 |
Speech Audiometry | £88 | £88 |
Auditory Training | £150 | £150 |
Auditory Implant Evaluation | £150 | £150 |
Medicolegal Evaluation | £175 | £175 |
Medicalegal Audiogram | £100 | £100 |
Hearing Aid Consultation | £150 | £150 |
2nd Opinion Consultation | £100 | £100 |
Universal Hearing Aid Package (1 Ear) | £1,800 | £1,800 |
Universal Hearing Aid Package (2 Ears) | £3,600 | £3,600 |
Advanced Hearing Aid Package (1 Ear) | £2,400 | £2,400 |
Advanced Hearing Aid Package (2 Ears) | £4,800 | £4,800 |
Premium Hearing Aid Package (1 Ear) | £3,000 | £3,000 |
Premium Hearing Aid Package (2 Ears) | £6,000 | £6,000 |
Multi-disciplinary Balance Clinic | £1,200 | £1,200 |
VNG | £265 | £265 |
Caloric Testing | £300 | £300 |
VHIT | £155 | £155 |
VEMP | £275 | £275 |
Dix Hallpike (BPPV Assessment) | £105 | £105 |
Vestibular Rehabilitation | £125 | £125 |
Falls Risk Assessment | £500 | £500 |
Concussion Assessment | £500 | £500 |
Tinnitus Consultation | £300 | £300 |
Tinnitus Matching Test | £75 | £75 |
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy | £150 | £150 |
Tinnitus CBT | £150 | £150 |
Ear Health Check | £50 | £50 |
Wax Microsuction | £85 | £85 |
Ear Swab | £55 | £55 |
Ear Impressions (one or both ears) | £30 | £30 |
One Stop Breast Clinic | Canary Wharf | Orpington |
MRI Breast | £685 | £600 |
MRI Breast with Contrast* | £795 | £710 |
Unilateral Breast and Axilla Ultrasound | £380 | £350 |
Bilateral Breast and Axilla Ultrasound | £390 | £390 |
Unilateral guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) | £650 | £650 |
Bilateral guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) | £950 | £950 |
Ultrasound Guided Core Biopsy | £1,700 | £1,500 |
Histopathology (small) | £252 | £252 |
Histopathology (Complex) | £634 | £634 |
Ultrasound Magseed Insertion | £1,450 | £1,300 |
Bilateral Mammogram | £270 | £190 |
Unilateral Mammogram | £250 | £170 |
Bilateral Tomosynthesis | £290 | £275 |
Unilateral Tomosynthesis | £260 | £240 |
Further View Mammogram (Mag/paddle) | £125 | £125 |
Unilateral Stereotactic Biopsy | £1,700 | £1,500 |
Bilateral stereotactic core biopsy breasts | £1,700 | £1,500 |
Bilateral Vacuum – Assisted Biopsy | £1,550 | £1,550 |
Unilateral Vacuum – Assisted Biopsy | £1,550 | £1,550 |
Aspiration Fine Needle Cytology (S4760) | £650 | £650 |
Ultrasound guided drainage of fluid collection | £1,450 | £1,300 |
Insertion of guidewire and/or marker into breast lesion under imaging control | £1,400 | £1,350 |
Drainage of breast abscess (including haematoma and seroma) | £1,300 | £1,100 |
Please note that we are unable to see patients under the age of 18, except for MRI scans, which have a minimum age of 8.
To request information on any of our other services, please call or complete the enquiry form below: