Private Prostate Screening

Prostate cancers can be aggressive and spread quickly to other areas of the body, which is why early diagnosis of the disease is vital for the best chances of survival. We specialise in private prostate screening in London providing men with reassurance, diagnosis and advice. Same day and evening appointments available.

Private Prostate Screening

Around 1 in 8 males in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lifetime. This may be a shocking statistic, but it is a highly treatable condition if it is caught in the early stages. Prostate cancer can be slow-developing and stay contained to the gland itself, but sometimes it can be aggressive and spread to other areas of the body, which can be a great cause for concern. This is why early detection of cancerous cells in the prostate is crucial for the increased likelihood of successful treatment of the disease; we usually see positive results when treating these types of cancers at an early stage.

Prostate cancer typically doesn’t cause any symptoms in the initial stages of the disease, symptoms start to appear when the growth is affecting the surrounding organs or spreading to other areas. This is why we urge you to get a screening if you are over the age of 50, as it is sometimes the only way to recognise and identify any abnormalities of the prostate.

We understand that it can be a difficult topic to approach, but you can avoid irreversible and life-threatening consequences by finding cancer early. We provide a prompt and efficient service to detect, diagnose and treat the disease. If you are worried that you may have prostate cancer, or fall into the high risk category, book a prostate screen with our specialist consultants today.

Available at the following clinic

Canary Wharf

0207 132 1440

Open Mon – Fri 8AM to 8PM

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A prostate screen is recommended for all men over the age of 50. You may also be at higher risk if you are a black man or have a family history of the disease. Our prostate screening in London involves a series of tests and assessments designed to detect signs of prostate cancer.

Your prostate screen will include:

  • Consultation with Physician
  • Blood Tests: Urea and electrolytes (U&E) and prostate specific antigen (PSA)
  • Flow rate test
  • MSU – Urine analysis test
  • Prostate MRI scan
  • Specialist follow up care

What is involved in Prostate Screening?

Your initial consultation

During your first consultation with one of our specialist physicians, you should expect to answer health-focused questions about your family history. You will then undergo a physical examination which allows our experts to better understand your health and guide any next steps.

Blood tests (including PSA screening)

We will take routine blood tests to measure your PSA level (Prostate Specific Antigen) within your blood, which is usually raised in the presence of prostate cancer. We also measure U&E levels (Urea and electrolytes) which provides essential information on renal function and kidney health.

MRI scan for prostate

We use state-of-the-art MRI scan technology to look at the prostate and surrounding organs in high definition, which allows up to see the condition and presence of any abnormalities, without the need for invasive procedures.

Flow rate test

We can perform a flow rate test that analyses the rate at which you pass urine and the amount you pass. We do this test to assess any changes you may have noticed in your usual flow of urine.

MSU test

An MSU test stands for midstream specimen of urine, which is a test that looks for infection. This can be carried out when the individual is experiencing pain when they pass urine or passing urine more frequently than normal.

Patient-focused follow up care

The results from your scans and tests are reviewed carefully by a team of specialist urological radiologists and consultants, and if there is anything that needs further investigation, they will follow it up with great precision.

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system, measuring around the size of a golf ball. It is located deep inside the groin, between the base of the penis and the rectum, and just under the bladder. The prostate is not essential for life, but it is important for reproduction. It secretes a fluid which helps to make up semen, and allows the sperm to be transported outside the body during ejaculation. The gland also ensures that the sperm harvests a supportive environment, so they have the energy and ability to fertilise a woman’s egg.

There is no one single prostate cancer screening test for detecting prostate cancer in males. Checks for prostate cancer usually involves a series of blood tests, PSA tests, physical examinations, MRI scans, and sometimes a prostate biopsy.

If you are experiencing symptoms which relate to prostate cancer, do not panic. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have cancer or that it is the reason your surrounding organs are presenting abnormal symptoms. Prostatitis and BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) can present in a similar way but are not cancerous. BPH in particular affects roughly 75% of men over the age of 60. Don’t hesitate to book a prostate screening appointment near you.

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