Miss Leila Hanna

Consultant Gynaecologist & IVF/Fertility

Miss Leila Hanna offers the whole range of Gynaecological and women’s health services, including paediatric and adolescent Gynaecology, including:

  • Reproductive medicine & surgery + assisted conception
  • One stop/two-week wait cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Major abdominal, laparoscopic, hysteroscopic and vaginal surgery
  • Accredited Colposcopist – investigation and treatment of abnormal cervical smears
  • Treatment of heavy periods, endometriosis, PCO, fibroids
  • Uterine and vaginal prolapse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Menopause

Miss Leila Hanna works at the following clinics

Canary Wharf

0207 132 1440


01689 490 111

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We are fully accredited


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