Mr Adam Gaunt

Ear, Nose & Throat Consultant, Head and Neck Surgeon


Adam Gaunt is an ENT surgeon practicing in Kent and Sussex.

Mr. Gaunt is known for his approachable manner, taking the time to listen to patients’ concerns and ensuring they fully understand their treatment options.

He offers a broad range of general ENT services and has specialised expertise in both benign and malignant head and neck surgery. He is a key member of the West Kent Head and Neck and Thyroid Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT).

Mr. Gaunt completed his training through a prestigious Royal College of Surgeons Interface Fellowship in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield. During this fellowship, he worked alongside some of the UK’s leading ENT and Maxillofacial surgeons in the treatment of head and neck cancer. He also honed his skills in thyroid and parathyroid surgery in a tertiary endocrine surgery unit.

Mr Adam Gaunt works at the following clinics


01689 490 111

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